The occupied peoples were required or encouraged to adopt western European business practices, languages, alphabets, and attire. Westernization. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Its roots go back to the Enlightenment period, during which it became a way to break from traditions and promote progress. In South Korea, looks are heavily stressed in society and many young girls can feel the pressure put on them to look a certain way: Psychiatrist Ryu In-Kyun examined how many Korean college girls received plastic surgery in 2007. Required fields are marked *. Its movies, popular music, and popular fashion were taken up not only in Asia, Africa, and Central and South America but even in western Europe itself. . Now that I think about it, westernization has had such a long history in China that there are even words in Chinese that are borrowed from the English language such as pizza, soda, and chocolate. After the westernization, many people traveled from all over the world to visit. The biggest argument against westernization would be that this ideal takes a large amount of culture away from other countries. If you fit this description, you can use our free essay samples to generate ideas, get inspired and figure out a title or outline for your paper. Often it was regarded as opposite to the worldwide influence of communism. A period of decolonization began. Every year, the emperor dispatched a few envoy ambassadors to China and while they were staying in Beijing, the Western missionaries were there. [citation needed] Later, the Roman Empire took on the first process of Westernization as it was heavily influenced by Greece and created a new culture based on the principles and values of the Ancient Greek society. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. An example of Westernization: Meiji period, Japan, Prince Yorihito Higashifushimi in typical Western naval dress uniform with white gloves, epaulettes, medals and hat. While doing research for my thesis, I was roaming through some universities websites to look at the type of Diversity and Inclusion initiatives they have in place. See more. Feudallydependent persons in Russiabetween the 10th and early 18th centuries. Their legal status was close to that of serfs but in reality closest to that of slaves. Business became an integral part of society, providing goods and services to those who could otherwise not be able to obtain them. Let's fix your grades together! Westernization began with traders, colonizers, and missionaries from western Europe who believed that their way of life was superior to those of the peoples in the countries to which they traveled. Passover has nothing to do with Easter, except for the fact that it is celebrated in a similar time span throughout the year. Those who sought to retain their beards were required to pay an annual beard tax of one hundred rubles. In 1708, Peter abolished these old national subdivisions and established in their place eight governorates. A perfect example of westernization, or more specifically western feminism, would be the argument of the westernwomen verses the hijab. We might find ourselves in a situation where we dont know how to describe a certain significant person of our nation or culture, and resort to using references such as. Western food such as burgers, fries, pizza etc. Democracy, fast food, and American pop culture can all be examples that are considered as Westernization of the world. For the eye surgery, see, Pages displaying short descriptions of redirect targets, Pages displaying wikidata descriptions as a fallback, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Community of Portuguese Language Countries, "Donald Tusk: "I feel at home in Armenia", "92% of the Armenian public considers relations with the EU as very good, FM says at EaP ministerial", "Europe Square inaugurated in Yerevan, Armenia", "The future of the Trio Plus Strategy 2030: building a future of Eastern Partnership", "Afrol News - EU, Cape Verde display different interests in integration", "Early Westernization & Modernization in Japan 1868-1900 | Japan Experience", "4 ways Western culture has influenced South Korea | Selective Asia", "Philippines' Shallow Capitalism: Westernization Without Prosperity", "Samuel P. Huntington's Clash of Civilizations", "Civilizations, their nature and clash possibilities (c) Rashad Mehbal", "McDonald's China Plans To Open A New Store Every Day", "40 Years Later: Iran after the Islamic Revolution", "Consequences of the Collapse of the Soviet Union", "The Theory of the Globe Scrambled by Social Networks", The Limits of Westernization: American and East Asian Intellectuals Create Modernity, 1860-1960, As the world continues to become more globalized we as a nation are faced with the dilemma of westernization, or the adoption of western culture and values. Similarity with U.S. General John C. Bates 's uniform. And while these mental shortcuts provide easy ways to translate culturally significant elements to a new audience, we continuously perpetuate Western cultures and norms, while erasing the uniqueness of our own cultures. Koreans excessive preferences for US values lead Korean people to devalue their culture, especially their bodies, which is a negative effect of American influence in Korea. When letters make sounds that aren't associated w One goose, two geese. In contrast, the Western dialect has two common variations for expressing the same sentence, which are (ja) or (ya). Those new states often adopted some aspects of Western politics such as a constitution, while frequently reacting against Western culture. Along with language being westernized, South Koreas music has also been highly influenced by western ideas. He states: the 5.6 billion people who live outside the West no longer believe in the innate or inherent superiority of Western civilization. Other examples include how countries typically opt for a cultural assimilation model, in which minority and underrepresented foreigners, expats, refugees, and immigrants are forced to. In the Eastern Mediterranean, the Byzantine Empire (with Constantinople as its capital), flourished. This page was last edited on 16 April 2023, at 23:53. After the surge of western influence in Japan in 1964, Japanese people started eating more than 300% more animal fat, protein, and fat in general (Watanabe). Even though other similarities can be found in the two holidays etymologies, as well as in the two religions overall, it is important to be able to separate the holidays from one another. Westernization, the adoption of the practices and culture of western Europe by societies and countries in other parts of the world, whether through compulsion or influence. Examples of Westernization in a sentence. Individuals all have special lives. While history is set in stone, we can still make a conscious shift in our internal biases, for example, through the way we use language. The success of reform contributed greatly to Russias military successes and the increase in revenue and productivity. This is most visible in settler colonies such as: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States, and to a lesser extent, in some Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, and Uruguay, where the traditional indigenous population has been predominantly replaced demographically by non-indigenous settlers due to transmitted disease and conflict. In economic terms, the nations are likely to be westernized by applying the Western economic styles in their localities. Thus, Chinatown can be seen as the historic product of [], The Mahabharata is one of the two great Indian epics, the other being the Ramayana. One of the mentioned holidays is referred to as the Jewish Easter, a.k.a Passover (Pesach). Instead, the kimono is worn on special occasions such as weddings or coming-of-age ceremonies. Women in the United States tend to believe that a hijab or burka is an item of clothing that women from other countries are forced to wear. Newly-found schools, permanent ambassadors, and privy councils were an essential improvement for the Empire. By the time the educational system had become universal in 1908, most of the Japanese children were able to read and write. ADVERTISEMENTS: M.N. Moreover, the increase in fast food also contributed to the increase in fat intake, which demonstrates how an initially positive change can result in a negative consequence. Konglish uses English words but twists the pronunciation to fit Hangul (Korean language), and the Konglish words, when written, are distinctly Korean, so it still retains its original culture while using these half-English words. While all of these may also be a result of a subconscious bias, this post aims to encourage its audience to pay attention to some of the language and conditioning within our daily practice, in order to dismantle harmful biases. In contrast to territorial delineation, others, like the American political scientist Samuel P. Huntington (see The Clash of Civilizations), consider what is "Western" based on religious affiliation, such as deeming the majority-Western Christian part of Europe and North America the West, and creating 6 other civilizations, including Latin America, Confucian, Japanese, Islamic, Hindu and Slavic-Orthodox, to organize the rest of the globe. This demographic takeover in settler countries has often resulted in the linguistic, social, and cultural marginalisation of indigenous people. 27 Jan 2017 While it is true that during the rise of the Taliban this particular item of clothing became a requirement, many women wear a hijab because they are devout in their religion, because it is a large part of their identity, and a multitude of other reasons as well. Tax and trade reforms enabled the Russian state to expand its treasury almost sixfold between 1680 and 1724. Westernization is a complex notion that we are introduced to either as part of our curriculum (if you happen to follow a social study), or in the media. Many K-pop songs incorporate different western styles in them such as EDM (electronic dance music), rap, and R&B. This change was caused by the diversification in lifestyle that took place in the post World War II period. His visits to the West impressed upon him the notion that European customs were in several respects superior to Russian traditions. He argues that the cost of this action is high and only a few states can pursue it. Overall, China has experienced many positive effects of westernization in the past decades in the form of more variety in media and television and an increased FDI which has led to economic prosperity. Another big example would be the topic of food. How Does Westernization Have an Impact on the Indian Culture? What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Westernization on India and Its Culture?N.p., n.d. Srinivas defined it: "I have used the term "westernisation" to characterize the changes brought about in the Indian society and culture as a result of over 150 years of British rule". For example, "It's a dog" would be expressed as " (inu da).". Nisbett points out that Western philosophers emphasised freedom and independence, whereas Eastern traditions like Taoism tended to focus on concepts of unity. While it is very useful to have a language that connects people across the world, English would not be so in-demand if the British were not such a colonizing power. This fascination is coinciding with the rise of the new golden age of quality television in America, with complex characters and unconventional storytelling. Peters government was constantly in dire need of money, and at first it responded by monopolizing certain strategic industries, such as salt, vodka, oak, and tar. Because western culture had such a great impact on Japan during the Meiji restoration, the Japanese were very appreciative of western luxuries, and wearing western clothes was a way to show a higher class. All its members were appointed by the tsar from among his own associates, and it originally consisted of ten people. My whole life has revolved around two distinct cultures: Chinese and American. She told me that the biggest change was from a communist economy to a market-capitalist economy. Furthermore, westernization of South Korea has prompted the vast majority of South Koreans to think of English language ability as the most important element to promote careers (Park 53). 27 Jan. 2017. Similarity with U.S. General John C. Bates's uniform. This essay was donated by a student and is likely to have been used and submitted before, Free samples may contain mistakes and not unique parts. Its A Bird, Its A Plane, Its ACan of Pepsi? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This can be observed with the the way Muslim people are treated across Europe and the US, for example. Living in a first world country, many Americans feel the need to provide aid to struggling countries. [31], The main characteristics are economic and political (free trade) democratisation, combined with the spread of an individualised culture. Now, each peasant was assessed individually for a tax paid in cash. Westernization can, to a large extent, be attributed to colonialism, imperialism, fascism and other vicious systems of oppression and annihilation. She was now able to buy unnecessary goods such as hamburgers, fried chicken, and french fries, the staple of an American diet. All songs were controlled by the government. With debates still going on, the question of whether globalization can be characterized as Westernization can be seen in various aspects. Why does using accurate and dignifying language matter? Balfour frames his argument in favor of continued rule over the Egyptian people by appealing to England's great "understanding" of Egypt's civilization and purporting that England's cultural strengths complemented and made them natural superiors to Egypt's racial deficiencies. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. In contrast, legislation under Peters rule covered every aspect of life in Russia with exhaustive detail, and it significantly affected the everyday lives of nearly every Russian citizen. In 1699, he changed the date of the celebration of the new year from September 1 to January 1. For this reason, people should not try and categorize all women in the same box. There is an increasing perception that Western countries will prioritize their domestic problems over international issues, despite their spoken and written promises of having global interests and needs. While many Americans believe they are imposing basic human rights on to people, other countries opinions on what is right and wrong often differ from our own. The western culture had not only permeated the culture of fashion and language, but also food, economics, and music. For example, many countries such as India are adopting the western jeans and a t-shirt style rather than traditional clothing. Peters reign deepened the subjugation of serfs to the will of landowners. However, sharp class divisions, including the already tragic fate of serfs, only deepened. Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses pp.333-358. However, with each new tax came new loopholes and new ways to avoid them, and so it became clear that tax reform was simply not enough. 450+ experts on 30 subjects ready to help you just now, McDonalds is as American as you can get, or so I thought. However, this is not the case: Although westernization has negative effects, countries should allow the flow of western ideas in order to culturally advance their societies. Nowadays the Bulgarian language still uses many Turkish words and customs due to the attempted and somewhat successful cultural, religious and linguistic repression by the Ottoman Empire. Before westernization, my mother listened to traditional Chinese songs such as the national anthem, and the variety was very little. This harsher view of K-pop reflects the views that westerners hold of westernization. Mahbubani urges that only through these actions can we create a world that converges benignly. The measure of the closely related concept of westernization will use the same methodology with a different set of variables. Similarity with David E. Twiggs 's uniform. but they did not accept the British diet, dancing, hunting, and the casual attitude of the British about population. This can be observed with the the way Muslim people are treated across Europe and the US, for example. In addition to the change in dress, westernization also impacted Japans education system. His social reforms included the requirement of Western fashion in his court (including facial hair for men), attempts to end arranged marriages, and the introduction of the Julian Calendar in 1700. With trendy songs, complex dances, and beautiful faces, K-pop is the epitome of where Korean and Western cultures unite. Because China has such a large FDI, this means that other countries, particularly those in the west, are pouring money into China in the form of investment in companies and e-commerce. A lot of people have a sense of what the American Dream is that they think they can accomplish or what is reachable to them. Thus, for this reason, K-pop has had a hard time finding western audiences that are not previously affiliated with the K-pop genre. Living With Invisible Disabilities: An Interview. even a single Western culture element inevitably brought in its wake more and more new elements with more and more changes, resulting in serious disturbances in the vital texture of their traditional culture. You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers. He did this by imposing taxes and services on them as well as introducing comprehensive administrative reforms that opened civil service to commoners. A thousand years later, the East-West Schism separated the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church from each other. Western Culture Examples Rationalism: Rationalism emphasizes the importance of reason and logic in understanding the world. The FDI of a country measures how much foreign investment is put into another country. Peter also taxed many Russian cultural customs (such as bathing, fishing, beekeeping, or wearing beards) and issued tax stamps for paper goods. Peter the Great's Westernization of Russia Imitation, people say, is the sincerest form of flattery. Many opponents of westernization believe that by allowing it, countries lose their traditions and values. The importance of sports partly comes from its connection to Westernization. Globalization is happening in various aspects, ranging from economics, politics, and even food or culture. In the 20th century the United States, itself the result of western European colonization of North America, arguably became the most significant exporter of Western culture. I will give an example once again with my own country - Bulgaria. A new generation of technocrats soon supplanted the old boyar class and dominated the civil service in Russia. The new steam ships, billowing with smoke, amazed the Japanese, who, because of their stern isolationism, had yet to have contact with Western industrialization. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Western culture or Western civilization is called a loosely defined set of countries, cultures, languages and religions typical of the Western Hemisphere of the world, as opposed to Eastern cultures or civilizations, those of the East of the planet . From day one of stepping into classrooms of such rich cultural variety, we are challenged not only with familiarizing ourselves with our demanding curriculum but also with constantly acclimatizing to the new people and cultures around us. More importantly, Peter created a state that further legitimized and strengthened authoritarian rule in Russia. It is arrogant of us to assume that western women are free from oppression and make it our own duty to save Muslim women from themselves. Url:, Your email address will not be published. 10.3 Examples of western culture in a Sentence; 10.4 Translation; 10.5 Word of the Day; 11 Western Countries 2021; 12 The Origin of the term "The Western World" 13 Westernization and the new Western World; 14 The Cold War West; 15 The Rich West; 16 The modern meaning of the Western World (the Latin . In the novel, Fitzgerald criticizes the unattainability of the American Dream as well as the shallow nature of the upper [], Chinatown in New York was first established in about 1870s which is a Home for large numbers of Chinese immigrants to gather and live together in the United States. One reason that [], The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald explores the whirlwind lives of the 1920s New York upper class.