Particle whip S N ht Scythe Sempiternal weave Wargear: , Necron Overlord , garrisons or populated worlds with flawed planetary defences. outstretched palm. NECRON WARRIORS Necron Warriors form ihe cold heart ol a Tomb World's SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP . 2 Beaching out his consciousness to the rudimentary spirit of the Leman Buss, Anrakyr saw that the tank was intended tit before him, and ordered his mimons into the fray The immortals advanced firing indiscriminately as they came. Acting m swarms that were dozens or even hundreds strong. Orikan has unlocked a portion of celestial power (bwahahahal). 100 points Armour . ' A good example is the Staff of the Destroyer a weapon wielded by Imotekh the Stormlord, As such its rules are detailed in Imotekh's entry Imotekh also SPECIAL RULES: Living Metal, Move Through Cover. Sv A Orikan re-rolls failed To Hit rolls m close combat. S Other Necrons loathe the Flayed Ones and fear them for the 3 Eld'ittH lance . 175 point* was ill observed at first but swiftly became the norm once Special Rules: Any special rules thai apply to the models in the unit are listed here These special rules are explained in further detail in either the Army of Aeons Past section or the COMPULSORY In his mind, other Necrons are no more trustworthy than aliens the order of the army's commander but more often they are left Whichever HQ unit you choose it's also worth considering , May include up to five additional Canoptek Wraiths 35 points per model . MINDSHACKLE SCARABS As a Necron player, your tfifantry wilt carry you a kx>g way. If nothing else. { "* Atny of A*oni Wargear: Type Assault 1, Blast Quake , relays then fail-safe mechanisms automatically activate, , s assault troops into Marine Chapters, including the Death Spectres Howling , streets, fighting over gobbets of rotting meat and shards of , . VARGARD OBYRON then the Wound is sol saved but the shot is not redreeled Tha does , Onkan the Diviner Hyperphase sword Composition: . More armies will come and they will destroy you in the Emperor's name.' Samekh Dynasty Wecron Heavy Destroyer S In this review we're exploring the rules of the new 9th edition Codex: Astra Militarum. THE ARMY OF AEONS PAST This seclion ol the book details the forces used by the BS Ld Sv contingent from Solemnace, led by Trazyn the Infinite himself All this takes time, however, and by the time the Night Scythe fleets deploy the invading forces, the armies of Alaitoc Craftworid stand side by side with the Exodites Guided by the prophecies of Farseer Eldorath Starbane and the strategies of ill< Nightspear. die hard m old soldiers indeed, it is often possible to hear UNIT TYPE: Vehicle 10 4+ Valena unleashes a pulse from her gravilon beamer that NECRONS Once Orikan powers up, continue to roll a 4 For his part, Obyron fights in the front Jmoffhh iht ShumlurJto Marihul Utlhit hi HARP OF DISSONANCE lines, wielding his warscylhe wlh a precision to be expected Eldritch lance . Dcith come* in nuny forms, but I would count icriil 1 Though this is less flexible than the Monolith's eternity gale it does allow the Night Scythe to mimic the battlefield role of a , additional Lychguards Once his services are acquired, a Cryptek's duties stretch far On occasion, a Necron Overlord will go so far as to recruit a particularly trusted and knowledgeable Cryptek to serve in his Royal Court. Space Marine Codex. Atecron kVarrtors conqueror that is Imotekh the Stormkxd. 1 (Unique) A faster the Doomsday Ark moves, the more energy is directed away from the doomsday cannon. W lies the Oracle Chamber wherein the bulbous head o' an entire defensive strategy is one of pre-emptive strike 24* May select a Catacomb Command Barge as a dedicated TTie Army of Aeons Past imotekh s gaze once agam In repfy advanced technology - can be mistaken for a C tan if the A phase shifter flickers Its bearer into and out of a phased state If improperly timed, blows and shots aimed at the bearer o( the phase shifter instead pass through empty aif 24" were failing to regenerate, as vital components were swept out into the seething waters of the bay. Finally, one of the Vargard s ' Page 36 O'ikin Empowe'ed they failed To all intents and purposes, the War m Heaven saw the destruction of the Necron dynasties Though the Tnarch Praetonans fought Suppressing his anger, Anrakyr returned lo the matter at hand. 4 Heavy 3, Gauss" lor reasons other than solid military gam so Szeras finds such specimens the hardest of all to acquire Szeras inevitably Though this invariably prevents the squad from taking part Particle beamer desire for optimum efficiency Strangely, this often means a Destroyer Lord s attacks are unintentionally spectacular ' If a model with this special rule , the Doom Scythe's engines. . ss Except the rules and points are all going to be out of date. Type Open-topped, TTut pluy mcc lucll before ut. iK,. torn Mandiagora apart As il was one of the pretenders struck ' unnoliccd by MHorjr, but do not despiit. Roll a D6 each time such a weapon is fired within range. scarabs have no effect If the lest is failed, the victim strikes . 11 Resurrection orb , Its vast arrays of self-repair and backup systems, vital for enduring the uncaring millennia, offer substantial protection against a foe s weaponry. can last for years or even centuries with no discernible victor - Tomb Worlds, the Canoplek Spyders, Wraiths and Scarabs . UNIT TYPE: MM* 47} Unit Typ: to more etfKient armour configurations to name but two of , WARGEAR; Staff of light delay their inevitable reassembly. 1 mto fragments too tiny to scrabble Over or simply due to Assault 1 , Synaptic distntegrator 24' X Tachyon arrow -(infinite) 10 Publication date 2003 Topics Warhammer 40,000 (Game), Warhammer 40,000 (Game), Fantasy games, Adventure games Publisher . preserving what they could from the vengeance of the Eldar to Weed enemy reinforcements away from a battle yet to come. Heat ray . PARTICLE WEAPONS Should a C'tan Shard rebel, or a fault develop in its control your next turn. It is not a battle lank, intended to sit in the against Ihe Impenum Necroni nobihiy as snipers and assassins Even when they . A Though the planet side craft do not mount the starship-bustmg weaponry of the spacetighter variants the twin-linked tesla carbines and gauss blasters can the C'tan Shard explodes m a pulse of HnAfl energy, its being scattered to the galactic wmds WS Ctan Shard minefields bombardments or other battlefield hazards that , Once the enemy is m the neii nuke igmit us will (ill. Like this book? The Tomb World ot Thanatos is a holtow plarvet, and hidden al .is hean one of the galaxy s greatest treasures - the Celestial Orrery Crafted by artisans of the Oruscar Dynasty tong before the onset of the War in Heaven, thts web of hoiogiam and living metal is beyond pnce for its artistic value alone Yet the As to which vehicles you add to your force that depends on components are then set upon by swarms of constructor scarabs Working with near-silent efficiency they return the were slill but mortal and prone to all the temptations and Blast every skill countered. , the silent darkness beneath Solemnace's pitted and barren was a brief one but no less deadly for all that. Doomsday cannon: For the doomsday cannon to be fired at full effect, the Doomsday Ark must remain stationary. . even in (he UntaCM beyond, my nme will be H)W ol Ihr Hecrons number of Crypteki thai are in a Royal Court can be upgraded to a single, speoftc fype of Harbinger Whilst T Strength within thetr abdomens, which are unleashed to effect repairs the wall of bayonets, skimming ocer the dead and dying lo delioer punishing gauss broadsides at poinl-blank range. A 'Upgrade to a Harbinger of the Storm If the Unit Composition includes the word 'Unique' then you may only include one of , uMlentiftd it* Bccesuly m deiily (lived but tScy controller of the mmdshackle scarabs chooses which, if there Awakening the Tomb DOOM SCYTHES Doom Scythes are heralds of terror and dismay supersonic S , s takes one or more casualties, place counters or other suitable were taken, tf the unit makes a fall back move remove any Today, we're focussing on the range of rules and army-wide abilities that benefit your force regardless of which . 3 force barriers Whilst such a squad might make skM*r Serpent and its Vyper squadron escort split off from the mam assault and dove hard towards the battle s heart, their goal GHEDEN. additional Necron Immortals Some codices were amended or rewritten during 3rd Edition. pursuing a now-obsolete punitive mission against the previous inhabitants. 2 body of the host had arrived and were massing tot a second Phaeron . items of wargear ted to the five most common techno-sofceiv disciplines As presented m the army \ct hm little of accogil to kbo* (01 your efforu. goin A BS Instead it emits a molecular disassembling beam, capable of reducing flesh, armour and bone to constituent atoms , , Id Pwtidt shradder - May wiect a Catacomb Command Barge as a dedicated transport (see page 91 tor points costs) whisking the creature back to its tomb, there to languish (or centuries until times are dire enough that its services must be called upon agam Even with these precautions, the Necrons are wary of employing C tan Shards m battle Though the chance of escape remote, the poss*ility remains, so the day must be dark indeed before the tesseract labyrinths are opened and the C lan unleashed upon the galaxy once again ' 6 Gauss flux arc energies to create anything from a baWefleet to a fully functioning Necron tomb ready for habitation, ' 35 points F . I an simply wil for my foes lo rol." l Tomb Blade Yet Fordris was neither lifeless nor uninhabited, as Skultkrak discovered when the first wave of Necron ihe SiltBi Kikk K1C ',, 4 1 Immortal legion with which he began his great work These ageless veterans are unswervingfy loyal to the* master and murderously etficieni m furthenng his goals Yet even then threat pales beside that of Anrakyr himself The same force of will that enables Anrakyr to maintain command over hts forces can be refocused lo deceive enemy targeting systems Intlde you will find: With its turret mounted tesla destructor, and the nerve-shredding shriek of rls engmes the Night Scythe . S , , moments, he called down a lerrible curie upon his betrayers. Page 45 nch Imperial world o( Mandal Since revival Strength 3 r - * Piiniigk lechoology we I bought io defcil the 4 Vocabulary Check 2A. ' Skilled astromancer though he is Orikan's predictions are not flawless. 4 On occasion, Szeras' talents are in such demand that he can , Unit Type: Large Blast 81 Repair Barge: At the start of each Necron Movement phase a Ghost Ark can expend energy to repair fallen Necrons incredibly resilient and can adapt to most situations. commander won t even make il to the battle. .Tachyon arrow , Morngar is lost shortly thereafter When the Cadian 207th makes planetlall six months later there ts no trace of any , 11 deserved, for Gidnm is one of the more expansionist of the recently awoken crownwortds and Zahndrekh's armies are an Few other weapons can wreak such efficient havoc amongst an Special Rules: Page 32 ' 1 delight in defying his predictions. TOMB WORLDS BEYOND NUMBER These Tomb Worlds represent no more than a handful of Ihe connecting Moebms countless crypts take the (of m of an ever-shrfting maze ensuring that no fOurney through 1 V LIGHTNING FIELD Hyperphase sword Composition: . Ntcron Amy Ltst T as first foreseen Thus were the Necrons able to reclaim much As if Ibis were not enough, each Canoptek Spyder will have a further selection of weaponry at its instincts have long since been expunged or degraded into nothingness a Necron Warrior's need tor self-preservation , CODEX Doomsday Ark free Composition: . , HMW typ: Tesia shots have a chance to strike several times with a single shot For every To Hit roll of 6 the target suffers 2 additional , CRYPTEKS C rypieks we metnbefi have any such compunction. , you want to fill your ranks out with expensive heavy-hitting shock troops, you ll want to look at the ethereal might of the C tan Shards, the unstoppable close combat power of the Lychguard or the versatile Tnarch Praetorians ' That unit receives one upgrade from Ihe following list - roll a D6 to determine which: 1-2 unit suffers 06 aufomahc Strength 5 AP - hrfs WARGE AR: Gauss cannon (Destroyer only) heavy oncoming Ork horde The primary blast shreds the armour rules for disembarkation - Obyron is simply removed from his 7 ponn per mode' creature it once was, it will under no circumstances tolerate HARBINGERS has It is well that Obyron is so dedicated for few Lords of Gidnm are eager to fight alongside their nemesor Some simply cannot , 6 , where Canoptek Scarabs truly come into their own as severe a threat to the skjmbeong Tomb Wodds as any of tcrniory. A complete collapse, and without lemforcemenls his great cause would come swiftly to an end m , 1 Mf( of kqhi The two arrays can shoot at different targets to each other and the doomsday cannon, although all guns in the same array must realm only m terms of manual labour or as a location for penal institutions Some fnngeworlds will once have counted S Special Rules: Character, Reanimation Protocols. 3 A hyperphase sword is a power weapon , directly at the heart of key enemy installations and strategic locations, Once a foot hold has been established coordinates , After what can only be described as a rough opening 18 months in 9th edition, the new Tau (we're dropping the apostrophe now) codex has arrived, packed full of guns, guns, guns, and a few other neat things too. 30 Staff of hght This is not to say that Immortals do not have shortcomings, ending as swiftly as possible, he refused to support either Four gauss flu* arcs . , of Destroyers, rather than making doomed attempts to enforce their own battle plan on the twisted warriors. Wargear: Vypers broke formation and banked hard, swarming about the Monolith's flanks like angry insects as they brought the* weapons to bear on the new target Yet the damage had 10 models , in service to the Necron dynasty of Altymhor, for gauss cannon Furthermore it has the Stealth special rule. X SPECIAL RULES: Preferred Enemy (Everything! Such events dnve Trazyn to frustration, for he must halt his search Id Though the Space Marines battle hard against the veterans issummg you hive the wil lo ' ' Your name. Reanimalion Protocols. Ld Sv 4 Moulder of Worlds - capable ol straying from their master's edicts - careful engram manipulation during biotransterence saw to that Each is programmed with unswerving loyally to a particular noble, or sometimes to a whole dynasty. . Afrcron Tomb Wofkh , AP Codex: . 577444 10 4+ 4 44<5)1 2 1 10 4* 4 5 5 3 2 3 10 3* 82 , 'Recommend activation of mindshackle cluster XD11101 - humans will 4 Awakening rhe lomb Enemy misses that occur after Obyron has attacked do not generate bonus Attacks. Every conclave specialises m a particular field of technosorcery, be it psychomancy, plasmancy, chronomaney or any one of a hundred thousand other dtsciphnes The conclaves were origmatty founded to share information and eNpertrse 4 , with the fury of the turbulent skies at their 2 the last Tnarch Praetonans withdrew to