Send your heroes to battle in the Clone Wars, or pit them against the Empire in a desperate fight to save the Rebel Alliance! speed.BASIC CYBERNETICS PANSPECTRAL OPTICS You can see up to 1 mile away with no diculty. skin, red eyes, lipless mouths, long thin noseless faces Ability Score Increase. The cruelty of the Sith causes them to tend toward chaotic dark side, though there are SOCIETY AND CULTURE exceptions. Twi'leks reach adulthood in their late teens andtraveling o their homeworld, twi'leks rarely refusedfood, which frequently leads to obesity among live less than a century.starfarers. They were also able to survive in the live less than a century.vacuum of space for a short time, though it was Alignment. Ecrizsati, Gaj'mogos, Ukelweko with other twi'leks through a complex language of Female Names. Once the Potent Aptitude die is rolled, it is lost. It includes all the relevant chapters,reskinned to t a Star Wars setting. Your Strength score eight feet. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Without the uplifting pitched battle, there's still plenty of opportunity forsupport of a scholar, soldiers might be overwhelmed adventurers to attempt wacky stunts like surng downby powerful foes. Additionally, during this rage, when an enemy withinSAVAGE DIPLOMAT 10 feet of you makes an attack roll against an ally, you can use your reaction to reduce that roll by an amountYour path necessitates that you build relationships equal to your Charismawith others, for the betterment of your tribe or modier.yourself. Finally, they haveone head perched atop their torso. Each class entry in this chapter includes a new roll.table summarizing the benets you gain at every level,and a detailed explanation of each one. It covers the nature of casting in the worlds Percentile dice, or d100, work a little dierently. The Force andscores, and the ability modifiers derived from them, technology account for most of the major exceptionsare the basis for almost every d20 roll that a player to the rules.makes on a character's or monster's behalf. planet Kashyyyk, who can grow to a height of over Ability Score Increase. Many of the rules in where everyone is.these chapters rely on material found later in the book.If you come across a game concept that you don't GAME DICEunderstand, consult the book's table of contents. star wars arms and equipment guide. Equipment functions RECOMMENDED VARIANT RULESsimilarly, with the exception of the breakdown ofweapons; rather than simply simple and martial, they This appendix features a number of variant rules Iare broken down into blasters, lightsabers, and recommend.vibroweapons. The Star Wars Roleplaying Game returns with the Saga Edition core rulebook. Sentinel is a reimagining of a While a character can have both force- and tech-monk, but as a 2/3 caster. HOLOSKIN EMITTERS While you're raging any creature within 5 feet of you This unarmed attack die increases to 1d6 at 5th level, that's hostile to you has disadvantage on attack rolls1d8 at 11th level, and 1d10 at 17th level. Youregain all expended uses when you complete a long INTEGRATED BOOSTERSrest. His next-highest, 14, goes in Charisma. His high Dexterity and on carrying capacity. Force save DC = 8 + your prociency bonus + your forcecasting ability modier Force attack modifier = your prociency bonus + your forcecasting ability modier FURIOUS FORCE Also at 3rd level, you can cast force powers while raging as long as the power's casting time is no more than 1 action, the power does not require concentration, and you are not wearing heavy armor or wielding a medium or heavy shield. While they donot claim to be ghters, their mere presence can turnthe tide of battle or simply keep operations running.BEHIND THE CURTAIN CREATING AN ENGINEERWhile perhaps not as intimidating as a heavily-armored While creating your engineer character, consider whattrooper, or as exotic as a lighsaber-wielding guardian, your primary skill set is and how you use it. 2. You start with hit modier. Lightning sparks fromhis ngers, illuminating his red and black tattoos. often nd themselves with a singular force or techWhile the ghter has contacts in a mercenary company point, with which they can do nothing. Togruta typically stand between 5 and 6 feetspace ultrasonically. When you do so, you can't do so again until you nish a short or long rest. Documents Star Wars - D20 - Revised Core Rulebook of 387 Match case Limit results 1 per page Author: ps6063131 Post on 28-Jun-2015 6.731 views Category: Documents 1.818 download Report Download Facebook Twitter E-Mail LinkedIn Pinterest Tags: starshipswhats new vehicleswhats new combatwhats new galaxywhats new equipmentwhats new forcewhats new I personally wants to walk across a room and open a door, the GMdesigned it to be used in the Old Republic era as might just say that the door opens and describe whatcharacterized by the Knights of the Old Republic lies beyond. Wookiees greatly value honor and loyalty. Whenever you make an ability check or saving throwWhen you choose this discipline at 3rd level, you gain that uses Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, you canprociency in armormech's tools, medium armor, and treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10. tongue used by prominent spacers and traders. Like this book? You have advantage onSOCIETY AND CULTURE Wisdom (Perception) checks that involve hearing or smell.Bith are one of the galaxy's most ancient civilizations, Musician. Humans typically learn the languages of other peoples they deal Male Names. Write theroll or other number more than once. For example, if your 7th-levelcharacter plays a role within a party, a group of soldier has a Constitution score of 17, when he reachesadventurers working together for a common purpose. I approach the guards. As a 1st-level operative, Han has 1 Hit Diea d8 At 1st level, your character has 1 Hit Die, and the die and starts with hit points equal to 8 + his Constitutiontype is determined by your class. You have a climbing speed of 30homeworld is ill-suited for agriculture, requiring feet.rodians to compete with vicious predators for most of Darkvision. meeting with their friends every week or so to pick up the story where they left o. Class shapes the way you think about the world Many classes and subclass add material costs toand interact with it and your relationship with other obtain features integral to the class while most otherspeople and powers in the galaxy. SINGLE PAGE . Sith generally stand between 5 and 6 feet tall For the sith, war and violence are just as much a part of and weigh less than 200 lbs. One player, however, takes on the role of the Game This overhaul is designed as a Star Wars reskinning Master (GM), the game's lead storyteller and referee.of the core DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS experience. Twi'leks that Natural Antitoxins. 5th level, you can also cast the darkness force power When a sith pureblood achieves a success or victory, once per day. CHOOSE A SPECIES (XP). You have advantage on saving With their strong memories, some duros also choose throws against tech powers. A character with a low Charisma might come light pistol. If a force power damages more than one target, you may only apply your rage damage to one of the targets. The and chants of your people and their dedication to war.Warchief Approach is one forged from alliances, bonds, When you enter a rage you can take a commandingand strategy. You have prociency with Persuasion orSOCIETY AND CULTURE Intimidation (your choice). You have a swimming speed of 30 feet. You can use this feature a necrotic damage pernumber of times equal to your Wisdom or Charisma power level increasesmodier (your choice, a minimum of once). But most of thethat will aect your play of the game. Some ten-sided dice are numbered in tens (00, 10,according to this basic pattern. Kkejenem, M'avoe, Tjoteelt, Wiamoel functioning after 24 hours away from you. Inside this book, you'll discover everything you need to build the ultimate modern-world campaign filled with cinematic adventure, and to create the dynamic heroes needed to face the harrowing dangers that await within. As an action on your turn, or mechanical part left behind from millennia of star you can cower pathetically to distract nearby foes. These details are Wars universe.suggestions to help you think about your character;adventurers can deviate widely from the norm for theirspecies. Often the action of an adventure takes place in theUSING THIS BOOK imagination of the players and GM, relying on the GM's verbal descriptions to set the scene. Heebmu, Iissi, Teezle, Whunam Surnames. A very strong character with lowIntelligence might think and behave very dierently WEAPONSfrom a very smart character with low Strength. While raging you have a ying speed equal to your current walking speed. Additionally,100 credits and takes 8 hours. If your character wears armor, carries a shield, or both, We know that Han is both daring and rash, and has calculate your AC using the rules in the Equipment a propensity to gamble, so we choose the fourth and section. Alternatively,you can choose a feat (see Chapter 6 for a list of feats). Jawas stand around 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh pitched, quickly spoken language called Jawaese. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. each adventure completed, and each relic recovered not only adds to the continuing story, but also earns Drew (playing Dash): I want to throw a grenade the adventurers new capabilities. You have prociency with saberwhips, Male Names. On the smallest scale, it could meandozens of sessions to play through, stretching over one character ipping a switch in a room to see whatweeks or months of real time. Speed. Try to include as direct a link as possible. You can attempt to hide even written by Golm Fervse'dra. You may only cast force powers at 4th-level once. Wanderingis often a way of life for their native tribes, and therootless life of the adventurer is little hardship for aberserker. What is thestarships (and their crew) intact. We choose the ideal of independence from the list in the background, noting Your character needs to be procient with armor that Han recognizes no one as his master. Marvel Super Heroes - Weapons Locker. CHAPTER 3 | CLASSES 46WAY OF THE SAGE BLESSED BY THE FORCEThe rejuvenating power of the Force is incredible, and At 14th level you gain the ability to overcome grievousthe consular is the master of this usage. The family names are Tech Resistance. Berserker, monk, and operative at a given level costs that level + 1 points.are mostly reskinned, with some variation to t the Spellcasting has been separated into force- and tech-setting. can take the Use an Object action to have your device Male and female names do not signicantly deviate. To do so, youFORCE POINTS spend 1 additional force point and choose a number ofYou have a number of force points equal to your those creatures up to your Wisdom or Charismaconsular level x 4, as shown in the Force Points column modier (your choice, minimum of one). planet. Toadventurer might search a container while a second simulate the roll of 1d2, roll any die and assign a 1 or 2examines a symbol engraved on a wall and a third to the roll depending on whether it was odd or even.keeps watch for enemies. INTRODUCTION 10CHAPTER 1: STEP-BY-STEP CHARACTERSOUR FIRST STEP IN PLAYING AN ADVENTURER IN THE These traits sometimes dovetail with the capabilities of DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS game is to imagine and certain classes (see step 2). You are procient in Survival and Stealth.predators on the planet to near extinction, they began Keen Hearing and Smell. Rodians can communicate with eachother using pheromones. Doing so gives you advantage on PERSISTENT RAGEmelee weapon attack rolls using Strength during thisturn, but attack rolls against you have advantage until Beginning at 15th level, your rage is so erce that ityour next turn. You can'tincrease an ability score above 20. Since Force-sensitivity is common in sith purebloods, and their culture is built around Menacing. The Nimble Escape political maneuvering in bothan society is dizzying, and special trait heavily overlaps with the operative's results in many species stereotyping bothans as Cunning Action feature, however, making this untrustworthy. Working together, the group might explore ashares elements with childhood games of make- planet-encompassing city like Coruscant, the wilds ofbelieve. Therodian's pleas for mercy fall on deaf ears as the Sithchannels his lightning into his failed apprentice, leavingnothing but a charred husk behind. Arri'ku, Bhi're, Chu, So'ro, Thirza Surnames. At 9th level, you can maintain both a modied suit ofarmor and shield. Characters generally begin play at 1st level and attain additional levels as they complete adventures. In addition, you use this ability score modier when setting the saving throw DC for a force power you cast and when making an attack roll with one. Tremorsense can'ttogruta hunt their herbivorous prey, the togruta live in be used to detect ying or incorporeal creaturessmall communities in the forest valleys. By Rodney Thompson and JD Wiker DESIGN Variant Lightsaber Forms RODNEY THOMPSON AND JD WIKER Though the seven lightsaber forms discussed in the Hero's Guide are the most commonly accepted fighting styles, a EDITING few other styles exist that are considered fringe and are not RAY AND VALERIE VALLESE formally recognized as . As normal, you can't increase anability score above 20 using this feature. Some names lookcomplicated and dicult to pronounce, while othersare quite simple. feet tall. You gain another one at 10th and 17th level.FORCE POWERS KNOWNYou learn 8 force powers of your choice, and you learn You can use only one Empowerment option on amore at higher levels, as shown in the Force Powers power when you cast it, unless otherwise noted.Known column of the consular class table. They are bipedal beings your choice increase by 1. Consider the ghter class. Martial Proficiency. Separated from the heart of the fray, thesage can be an unfailing warden to those in need. After you depends on his or her six abilities: Strength, Dexterity,rest, you can spend Hit Dice to regain hit points (see Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. You can use this feature a number of times equalto your Intelligence modier (a minimum of once).You regain all expended uses when youcomplete a long rest.51 CHAPTER 3 | CLASSES, The words you are searching are inside this book. We then ll in Han's nal hit points: 8 + his Constitution modier of +1, for a total of 9 hit points. NAMES Thieves. Aqurwia, Cliriu, Nupax, Ubhesosiuth Languages. If you roll a 7 and a 1, for example, the number rolled is 71. It is described ascausing their heads to explode. You have prociency with with oneZabrak are often seen by most other species as being artisan's tool of your choice.single-minded, an observation that is not terribly Darkvision. the equipment granted by your background:HIT POINTS (a) a martial vibroweapon and a light or medium shieldHit Dice: 1d12 per berserker level generator or (b) two martial vibroweaponsHit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modier (a) two techaxes or (b) two vibrospearsHit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your An explorer's pack Constitution modier per berserker level after 1st VARIANT: STARTING WEALTHPROFICIENCIES In lieu of the equipment granted by your class andArmor: Light armor, medium armor background, you can elect to purchase your startingWeapons: All vibroweapons, simple blasters gear. Chiss typically stand between 5 and 6 feet tallNuruodo, Inrokini and Sabosen. These ability some powers make that possible. A character with high Charisma exudes condence,which is usually mixed with a graceful or intimidating For Han's weapons, we choose a vibrodagger and apresence. Class broadlysteps in order, making decisions that reect the describes a character's vocation, what special talentscharacter you want. The jawa's unocial motto is not to look for uses in a salvaged item, but rather to imagine someone else Tech Dabbler. Slowly, all thedebris within arms reach rises into the air around him;with a ick of his wrist, he clears the air, sending hisprojectiles to pound on the approaching tank. and while they may not all use it they all have experience with it. There is Ion is a new damage with improved ecacy againstmore information in each chapter, as per the SRD. On a largeadventure might present only a few challenges, and it scale, that might involve the characters spending a daymight take no more than a single game session to crossing the deserts of Tatooine or an hour makingcomplete. Their thumb and small nger were bothfully opposable. Second, choose thecivilized ways set them apart from animals, as if mercenary background.denying one's own nature was a mark ofsuperiority. Proficiency. Due to their love of ghting and active Alignment. Will the guard believe that govern how the game plays. At 20th level, you embody the power of the wilds. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it wereTogruta have a strong sense of unity and togetherness. Topics kotor Collection opensource Language English. You can speak, read, and write Galactic27 CHAPTER 2 | SPECIES Basic and Sith. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. There exist many planetary groups of saving throw, you can roll a d4 and add it to their rollhumans with their own cultures, such as the (no action required). Their characteristically Age. Alignment. TECH MASTERYPOTENT APTITUDE At 20th level, your mastery of technology is unrivaled.Your technological experience lends you an Your Constitution and Intelligence scores increase by 2.uncommon insight that you can use to bolster your Your maximum for those scores increases by 2.allies. Crorcu'ecuk'unist, Dash'esoru'ishur,Jerd'ecer'lonii, Kisk'egauw'eqhi, Marag'aliphil'eduo,Pommo'icuote'nlerme, Vornu'wuzi'lerdim 20DUROSVISUAL CHARACTERISTICSSkin Color Blue, greenHair Color NoneEye Color RedDistinctions Noseless, large red eyes, anity for space travelPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSHeight 5'5" +2d10" x(2d4) lb.Weight 115 lb.SOCIOCULTURAL CHARACTERISTICSHomeworld DuroLanguage Durese BIOLOGY AND APPEARENCE DUROS TRAITS The duros are humanoids with smooth blue-green As a duros, you have the following special traits. They are fond of Female Names. Fedu, Jenkiss, Kabadons, Ph'teumkiass Female Names. And given the impressive popularity of that post, I'm hopeful that it did. Second, choose the Jedi or Sith background.THE CONSULARLevel Prociency Features Force Powers Force Max Power 1st Bonus Forcecasting, Force Recovery Known Points Level 2nd +2 Force-Empowered Casting, Force Shield 8 1st 3rd +2 Consular Tradition, Hidden Force 9 4 1st 4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 11 8 2nd 5th +2 12 12 2nd 6th +3 Tradition feature 14 16 3rd 7th +3 15 20 3rd 8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 17 24 4th 9th +3 18 28 4th10th +4 Tradition feature 20 32 5th11th +4 21 36 5th12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 23 40 6th13th +4 24 44 6th14th +5 Tradition feature 26 48 7th15th +5 27 52 7th16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 29 56 8th17th +5 30 60 8th18th +6 Tradition feature 32 64 9th19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 33 68 9th20th +6 One with the Force 34 72 9th +6 35 76 9th 80CLASS FEATURES EQUIPMENT You start with the following equipment, in addition toAs a consular, you gain the following class features. You can communicate non-verbally Male Names. Sadistic. dierent, with various strengths and weaknesses, so the best party of adventurers is one in which the 3. BIOLOGY AND APPEARANCE Alignment.