. 3 minutes ==\quad= seconds C) a windmill. Plant cells are protected from the harmful effects of reactive oxidative molecules by. C) energy 31) A packet of light energy is called a d. 1,000 minutes === hours. the final electron acceptor is NADP+ and not oxygen. D) helps transport H+ against the concentration gradient. D) ATP. c) have photosynthetic pigments. C) The greenhouse effect will decrease the average temperature of the planet. 17) What is the source of energy that provides the boost for electrons during photosynthesis? E) found throughout the plant. The driving force behind electron transport chain is ____________. Telophase and Cytokinesis- division of the cytoplasm. b) their electrons become excited. The concentration of CO2 will decrease as plants use it to energizes electrons in the electron transport system. Why? B) electromagnetism 12) The oxygen released into the air as a product of photosynthesis comes from Carbon dioxide absorption is an appropriate indicator of photosynthesis because See answer Advertisement AsiaWoerner The process of formation of sugar or carbohydrate by plants is known as photosynthesis. If you shut off the system and pressure was no longer applied to tank A, you would expect C) is done by the Calvin cycle. E) Photosystem II does not transfer electrons from photons. covalent bonds between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate of the next, -contains a haploid number of genes -is unlike any other gamete. C) regeneration of ATP is driven by a flow of protons through an ATP synthase. The thylakoid membrane allows for hydrogen ions (H+) to be transported across, thus creating a charge separation. What are by-products of cellular respiration? D) releases CO2 as a by-product. A) ATP is not produced during photosynthesis, but only during cellular respiration. Photosynthesis and cellular respiration both contain electron transport chains.This answer is correct. Kidney failure and decreased urine production are due to increased numbers of aquaporins. D) phycocyanin, 34) Which of the following is a normal process of photosynthesis that could not occur if all reaction 83) Carbon dioxide absorption isanappropriate indicator ofphotosynthesis because A) plants produce oxygen gasbysplitting CO2. Container A is placed under normal sunlight, B under green light, and C under red light. In a photosystem, clusters of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoid pigments function most like, The electrons lost from the reaction center of photosystem II are replaced by electrons from. d) couples the flow of H+ to the phosphorylation of ADP. The containers are observed for a 24-hour period. i. Stapes C) occurs during the light reactions. E) CO2 energizes electrons in the electron transport system A) carbon monoxide. D) is a result of the oxidation of glucose. A) Photosynthesis involves only reductions, while respiration involves only oxidations. C) does not have a reaction center. b) glucose, ADP, NADP+, CO2. Occurs in the chloroplast: CC, L Expert Answer . electrons c) glucose, ADP, NADP+. Normal human gametes carry ____ chromosomes. . B) Photosynthesis involves only oxidations, while respiration involves only reductions. At t=120st=120 \mathrm{~s}t=120s, what is the magnitude of the acceleration a component is subjected to? Carbon dioxide initially combines with RuBP, and RuBP is regenerated to continue the Calvin cycle. Plants release what gaseous by-product as a result of photosynthesis? D) is embedded in the inner membrane of the chloroplast. B) C5H12O6 + 6 O2 + sunlight 5 CO2 + 6 H2O. In photosynthesis, . is oxidized and . Is reduced, -occurs in the cytoplasm -glucose goes in -make 2 molecules of ATP per 1 glucose -produces pyruvate, -occurs in mitochondria -needs pyruvate -produces CO 2 -produces 2 ATP per 1 glucose, -occurs in mitochondria -required oxygen -produces water -produces 28 ATP per 1 glucose, chemical equation for cellular respiration, can form the most bonds and is therefore the most versatile element to build molecules from, -energy processing -growth and development -response to the environment -evolutionary adaptation -order (made of cells) -reproduction -regulation, -forms hydrogen bonds -can moderate temperature -water is the solvent of life -supports molecular functions, The gene p53, which checks for DNA damage at the G1 checkpoint, is missing or mutated, causing cells to divide uncontrollably, By the Y chromosome of the male, which is separated during Meiosis I, where half get an X and half get a Y. Meiosis ends in. and Mitosis ends in.. -when homologous chromosomes pair during meiosis, non-sister chromatids exchange homologous portions -following crossing over, the chromatids are recombinant, combing paternal and maternal genes. When the carbon dioxide concentration decreases, the color of the indicator solution also changes. Plant cells A) lack mitochondria and chloroplasts. C) six The full range of electromagnetic energy is called the ________ spectrum. You've added an indicator to each solution. a) It is often too cold at night for these reactions to take place. D) absorption of photons by carotenoids. B) ATP. 55) What is the main adaptive advantage of the C4 and CAM photosynthesis strategies over the C3 B) lack mitochondria but have chloroplasts. d) Glucose (C6H12O6) B) supplies the cell with ATP. D) phaser. B) Each preferentially absorbs slightly different wavelengths of light. Plant leaves are also able to absorb and release water through the stomata. For every six molecules of G3P produced, 3 CO2 enter the cycle. b. Cochlear duct Occurs in the mitochondria: CAC, ETC Within the chloroplast, the light reactions take place in the flattened sacs called thylakoids and the Calvin cycle takes place in the thick fluid called the stroma. Why? D CO2 is needed to complete the light reactions. B) is of benefit to the plant since it breaks down rubisco. C) is done by the Calvin cycle. D) the energy in CO2 is used to produce ATP and NADPH. l. Tympanic membrane (eardrum) D) carbon dioxide. C) absorption of photons by chlorophyll b or three? D) Most of the food humans eat can be traced back to photosynthetic plants. a) electrons from carbon dioxide and energy from ATP. This is why plants need to take in carbon dioxide. In muscle cells, fermentation produces ____. If the rate of photosynthesis increases, the amount of carbon dioxide in the environment will decrease, and vice versa. C) Photosynthesis consumes CO2; respiration consumes O2. j. Tectorial membrane B) thylakoid membranes A) blue E) The greenhouse effect has no direct relationship with the Industrial Revolution of the 1800s. A) 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + sunlight C6H12O6 + 6 O2. form carbon dioxide. Water is necessary because it is the splitting of water molecules that provides plant cells with electrons and a proton to reduce NADP+ to NADPH. Which of the following colors contributes the least energy to photosynthesis? B) concentrated in the stomata. C) NADP+ is reduced to NADPH. the Calvin cycle depends on products of the light reactions. The chlorophyll breaks down, the green color disappears, and the yellow to orange colors become visible and give the leaves part of their fall splendor. Container A is placed under normal sunlight, B under green light, and C under red light. He placed a stopper on each test tube and placed them all in the dark for 24 hours. D. CO is needed to produce sugars in the Calvin cycle. Small aquatic plants are placed into three containers of water mixed with carbon dioxide. She placed one beaker in the shade and the other beaker beside a fluorescent lamp. Shown here is the graph of the data for the beaker she placed beside the lamp. The containers are observed for a 24-hour period. D) the bottom of the electron transport chain. B) The greenhouse effect is exacerbated by the use of fossil fuels. D) In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is reduced to form sugar, while in respiration, sugar is oxidized to form carbon dioxide. food . 68) Carbon dioxide absorption is an appropriate indicator of photosynthesis because 68) A) the energy in CO 2 is used to produce ATP and NADPH. 59) Global warming due to the greenhouse effect may be The primary function of light absorption by photosystems I and II is to produce _____. f1(x)=x,f2(x)=x2,f3(x)=4x3x2f _ { 1 } ( x ) = x , \quad f _ { 2 } ( x ) = x ^ { 2 } , \quad f _ { 3 } ( x ) = 4 x - 3 x ^ { 2 } D) found throughout the leaf tissue. C) ADP, NADP+, O2 A) moderated by photosynthesis, which removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. . What important fact does this argument ignore? A) stroma C) Chlorophyll b primarily uses green light as the source of energy for photosynthesis. C) NADH 65) Ozone A) formation is promoted by CFCs. d) a starting material for the Calvin cycle. The light reactions of photosynthesis include _____. b) 6 CO2 glucose. Turn off all gas flow when the machine is not in use. From your recent physics class you estimate that the static and kinetic coefficients of friction are and for the boy's shoes, and and for the crate. A) Photosynthesis involves only reductions, while respiration involves only oxidations. D) red. 35) How do the reaction centers of photosystem I and II differ? A) Forests play too minor a role in global CO2 dynamics, which are affected far more by marine algae. . A) ATP is not produced during photosynthesis, but only during respiration. Small aquatic plants are placed into three containers of water mixed with carbon dioxide and indicator solution. Greenhouse Gases A centrifuge used to subject engineering components to high acceleration has a radius of 8m8 \mathrm{~m}8m. It starts from rest at t=0t=0t=0, and during its two-minute acceleration phase it is programmed so that its angular acceleration is given as a function of time in seconds by =0.1920.0016trad/s2\alpha=0.192-0.0016 t \mathrm{rad} / \mathrm{s}^2=0.1920.0016trad/s2. E) is a result of the oxidation of glucose. grana . E) Burning wood contributes more to acid rain than burning fossil fuels. food . B) Chlorophyll a absorbs green light. Formation of waste products in the form of O2. D) ATP. 3. E) a fuel for cellular respiration and a starting material for making other organic molecules. They also open to release the oxygen produced by this process. . Bromthymol blue turns from blue to yellow in the presence of CO2. The absorbed energy moves the electrons to a more energetic orbital. CO2 is needed to produce sugars in the Calvin cycle. b) chemiosmosis can occur across the thylakoid membrane. How do the reaction centers of photosystem I and II differ? C) a carotenoid Small aquatic plants are placed into three containers of water mixed with carbon dioxide and indicator solution. 62) Ozone Carbon dioxide absorption is an appropriate indicator of photosynthesis because, CO2 is needed to produce sugars in the Calvin cycle, After the reverse osmosis system has been operating for 30 minutes, the solution in tank A would, If you shut off the system and pressure was no longer applied to tank A, you would expect. 45) In photophosphorylation, energy from electron flow is used to transport ________ from the D) thylakoid membranes . C) eat other organisms that use light energy to make food molecules. B) a propeller on a motorboat. The Pasteur effect shows that yeast consume glucose at a higher rate under anaerobic conditions than under aerobic conditions. b. plants produce oxygen gas by splitting CO2. Males: In the 7 th weekof development, the SRY gene on the Y chromosome activates anumber of genes, and the gonads develop as testes. Plants use sugars as A) photosynthetic prokaryotes that lived inside eukaryotic cells. . Where is chlorophyll found in a plant cell? c) green. B) produce organic molecules from inorganic molecules, Which of the following is an example of a photoautotroph? Carbon dioxide absorption is an appropriate indicator of photosynthesis because CO2 is needed to produce sugars in the Calvin cycle. light C) regeneration of ATP is driven by a flow of protons through an ATP synthase. a) ADP, NADP+, O2. C) the top of the electron transport chain. What provides electrons for the light reactions? John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, Literature II: Restoration and Eighteenth Cen, American Government Chapter 13 - Presidential. Carbon dioxide Plants get the carbon dioxide they need from the air through their leaves. b) photon. D) food . In photosynthesis, the chemiosmotic production of ATP A) requires oxygen. respiration in that . water . thylakoid membrane b) nuclear. 6CO2 + 6HO2 ---> C6H12O6 + 6O2 (carbon dioxide + water -->sugar + oxygen), -occurs in thylakoids -uses light energy to convert water to oxygen -light is absorbed by chlorophyll in thylakoid membranes, -occurs in the stroma -requires ATP- made from light reactions -converts CO 2 to sugars. B) pigment. D) methane. B) the breaking of glucose bonds. D) Photosystem II does not transfer electrons from photons. E) produces ATP. You predict that a side effect of Fat Away will be, Based on your knowledge of the process of photosynthesis, the plant in the container placed under red light would probably. c) blue, red, and violet. . If the rate of photosynthesis increases, the amount of carbon dioxide in the environment will decrease and vice versa. C) Photosystem I functions first in the sequence of steps that make up the light reactions. Which of the following is part of the light reaction?