In this day and age, a lot of people bring that noise from that space which we call Hell. That is the redeemer. You have to be an Aurus in order to enter into the unmanifested Isis. Only Judas has guessed the master arightand has discerned that he comes from the heavenly realm of the godBarbelo. In the realm of Barbelo, it seems, earthly pains are unknown and the fortunate inhabitants are free from the attentions of the God of the Old Testament. Elija (), in Aramaic, means the supreme, the highest. Of course, he is a Master of many previous cosmic days, and now he is manifesting as a Paramarthasatya in this cosmic day; but he fought for that. In his next article, on the "Gnostici", or Borborites (83 C D), the idea of the recovery of the scattered powers of Barbl recurs as set forth in an apocryphal Book of Noria, Noah's legendary wife. The first letter of Ain, is Aleph. In the spinal medulla, we have the seven churches. Jesus means Savior, and Christ relates to the light. That is Elija. Now, that Hei is in each one of us too. The Abstract Absolute Space has three aspects: We were addressing the region of Barbelo which is the Ain Soph Aur, which is called Bar-Bel (the son of Bel, the son of the Sun). Such Sun unifies and coordinates the Pleiades in their entirety. vi. [11], Where the Idea of the Gnostic Demiurge Came From. For example, the Jewish Christian Gospel of the Hebrews has Jesus refer to the Holy Spirit as his mother. The Secret Book of John. In The Nag Hammadi Scriptures. If you observe a common, ordinary irrational animal that common sense is stronger in them, than in us, sadly, because we have the ego very strong within us. This is necessary to understand, because we are addressing the light, which is the light from above. So, you understand what salvation is: it is the union of two forces Mother and Father and that goes into Tiphereth, the Son, Bel-Ing. In doing so, you understand that you are the rune Ingwaz, the shape of which is an amphora. The rune Ar relates to Bar, Baron, the son. Babel, in the book of "Baruch" of the Gnostic Justin, the name of the first of the twelve "maternal angels" born to Elohim and Edem (Hipp. This is how we kill the Bel, Habel, Abel. Ye-S-Od is formed by the serpent, Kain, which represents that nest, together with the Yod. To be sure, the idea that Barbelo, the divine mother of Christ, is identical to the Holy Spirit is seldom explicitly asserted in Gnostic texts. What he said is true. Yald' being Aramaic: , romanized: yald[g] but translated as 'begetter', not 'child' and Abaoth being a term attested in magic texts, descending from Hebrew: , romanized:Tzevaot, lit. He jumped like a pea on a hot shovel and, when he had regained his composure, demanded to know how I could possibly have heard such a wicked rumor. That is the purpose of having a physical body; to transmute that solar light. But, that Ing-Land is not only in the upper part of the Tree of Life, but is also found in Yesod; when a man develops, sexually speaking, from a child to maturity, his throat and voice change, becoming much deeper as a result of testosterone. [9] That certainly fits the demiurges personality as described in their texts.). Accessed on 3-18-2019. Edited by Marvin Meyer. All of the darkness would run. [9][10], This etymology was popular due to its perceived literary merits. Seth replaces Habel when we transmute the solar light, when we control Kain, and kill Kain. Several plausible etymologies of the name (, , , ) have been proposed. When you fornicate, you destroy your common sense: intuition is related with the pineal gland. From his lonely position where his madness and conceit could go unchecked, the demiurge gave birth to the archons (rulers[10]), beings who were like him and could help him administer the material world. Yaldabaoth appears as a rebellious angel both in the apocryphal Gospel of Judas and the Gnostic work Hypostasis of the Archons. Thus it inspired Egyptian works retelling the story, but changing its details to mock the Jews and exalt Egypt and its gods. However, according to the Gnostics, this god was not responsible for creation, but rather the physical world was made by the hands of a foolish god (they called it/him a demiurge or the appellation saklas (Gr. But, they think that they are just moving further and further away from one another, into the empty space in a never ending way No: The infinite has a limit; it is called the Teuhtlampa. Master Samael says the infinite is symbolized with the 8. Obviously, everything emerges from the Chaos. In China they say, I don't like tortillas, nor bread, give me rice. Now, let us dive further down through the cosmos, into our planet Earth. We belong to the constellation of the Pleiades, of which our Sun is the 7th. When we read this, we have to comprehend that he is not addressing his physical personality, but his own spiritual force, his own archetype, which is one with that Solar Absolute. Pantheon That is a type of intelligence that controls this infinite and that is in union with all of the Suns of this infinite, which, in turn, are related with all the galaxies of this infinite, including our solar system. Yaldabaoth, otherwise known as Jaldabaoth or Ialdabaoth (/ j l d b e /; Coptic: , Latin: Ialdabaoth), is a malevolent God and creator of the material world in various Gnostic sects and movements, sometimes represented as a theriomorphic, lion-headed serpent. Consider the Apostle Pauls remarks to Peter on the Mosaic Law, the centerpiece of Judaism, in Galatians 2:11-21: We ourselves are Jews by birth and not Gentile sinners; yet we know that a person is justified not by the works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ. Since God does not enter into the material world because it is impure, Barbelo is an intermediary realm from which the material world can be created without contaminating God. If that initiate of the Solar Absolute, if that Barbelo you could also call it Barbelo, individually speaking but Barbelo is something expanded, it is beyond the infinite. Instructor: Yes; the shape of the infinite, as we explained it, right? Another angel, Saklas, also came from the cloud. All contents Among the Gauls, Bel was the name of the Sun. We have told you many times that within the word Yesod is hidden the word Yod, and also the serpent, which is the letter Samech. If you understand the meaning of Seth, in this way, you understand how he killed him, and cut him into many pieces; because he wanted to be the king of that kingdom, and so cut Osiris into 13 pieces, and spread them in the Nile. As a consequence of meditating on this aspect of the Abstract Absolute Space, we have to state that each one of us, without exception, has part of that Abstract Absolute Sun within the Spirit. So from my understanding, this is Father-Mother-Son; the Ain Soph Aur is Christ, and the Ain Soph is the unmanifested Mother, and the Ain is Instructor: The unmanifested Father. Affiliation Other articles where Barbelo is discussed: gnosticism: Adversus haereses: (eternal entity or age) named Barbelo and an unnameable Father, perhaps to be understood as female and male aspects, respectively, of the highest god. Given how many discrepancies there are between the four remaining Gospels of the New Testament, one can almost sympathize with Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria, who in an Easter letter in the fourth century tried to boil down the number of approved books to 27. This is especially true in New York, where there are many languages spoken; there is a great confusion here. In the presently accepted science, they call the infinite something that is expanding in space: they say the infinite is something that is expanding left to right, up to down, back to front but, in Gnosticism, Master Samael Aun Weor stated: The Central Sun or Intergalactic Center of this infinite, governs all our infinity with its one hundred thousand galaxies and millions of worlds and suns.. The infinite is quantitative although necessarily spherical (and unquantifiable). So, the base of the rune Ingwaz is an upside down V, an upside down rune Kaum, or more specifically, a rune Ar. We see animals who use that common sense. We find the solar light in the plant kingdom; when we eat any plant, we absorb the vitamins from that plant. Where is the Solar Absolute, Barbelo, in other words, in us? Now, let us read what the Master Huiracocha whose personality was called Arnold Krumm-Heller, and who lived in Mexico wrote about this subject, but first, a quote from the Bible: And Adam (the brain) again knew ( Ath Eshoth) his wife (through sexual transmutation), and she bear a son, and called his name () Seth, for Elohim has appointed for me another seed instead of () Abel: For () Kain had slain him. We will say that the union of all the Suns of the universe form that Solar Absolute. The light being Sophia caused the fall of man through the serpent. Several texts mention Saklas and Satan (the enemy) as . [16] Ptrement, Simone. We state, as the Master Samael stated; when we self-realize ourselves as Christs, when Jesus Christ, as an archetype, develops completely in us, then we enter into the Army of the Voice, the Army of the Logos, the Word. Sexless When we start doing that, expanding our consciousness, that is when we become what we call, Christian. People think that it means that Moses was literally talking face to face with God about what? We are talking here about energies. By putting the Aleph in front of the word Elohim, we find the word Aelohim. Now, before continuing with this, let me tell you of another experience I had while meditating on this. Instructor: Yes. That is why that mixture of forces is what the Bible calls Balal. The creative power of his thought is Barbelo, the invisible virginal spirit, the supreme female (bearing = creating) principle. Oxford University Press. Thus, Babel, is the gate of the Sun. It is very hard to develop. It is what is called in the Nahua language, the Teuhtlampa. In the most famous variation of narratives alleging Jewish onolatry Antiochus IV Epiphanes, a Seleucid king famous for raiding the Jerusalem Temple, supposedly discovered, that its Holiest of Holies was not empty, but instead contained a donkey idol. [9] Lewis, Nicola Denzey. The union of many Barbelos is the Barbelo, the Solar Absolute wanted to enter into the womb of the unmanifested Mother, they can do that after penetrating into Aur, the Aurus, Horus. After matter, Yaldabaoth produced the serpent spirit (Ophiomorphos), which is the origin of all evil. Ain, the uncreated Father; the Ain Soph, the uncreated Mother; and the Ain Soph Aur, the uncreated Son, the third Abstract Aspect of the Absolute. Behold how the intelligence of the Absolute Abstract Space becomes the center of an infinite. The word Aura comes from the Hebrew word Aur, which means light. So, when the brain develops and creates Seth, we are done. Amphora of Salvation, I would like to be next to thee. We have to control Kain, which is the nest of solar energy that we have in the Muladhara chakra, in order to develop it. I am Christian." For example, he lied when he claimed to be the only god and that Adam and Eve would die if they ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; he insulted his mother and father by refusing to acknowledge their existence; he made a graven image of the divine when he modeled the material world on his corrupt and ignorant misunderstanding of Heaven; and he committed adultery by attempting to rape Eve. The region of Barbelo, is the great power of the universal God if we can call it God. So, since we are part of the universe, it is obvious that we are part of that light. Audience: When you're sending out the solar energy, singing the mantra Belilin, is the shape that that energy takes, the aura, reminiscent of the shape of the universe, in the manner that it expands outwardly and then flows back inwardly to the center. All of those Suns, in themselves, form that Protocosmos, which is the third aspect of that Abstract Absolute Space, which in Greek we call the Cosmic Christ. Your amphora, the sign of the infinite, has to be part of the center, the top and the bottom of the sign of the infinity which is the center of the Earth also, the Sun also. p. 53. That is what we have to understand about what the Solar Absolute is: it is everywhere. the late first or early second century AD. Saklas also doesn't carry the nickname of "Evil Michael" for nothing, as he, unlike Michael, is an agent of chaos, evil and injustice, not concerned with taking the lives of innocents or carrying out destruction of entire towns in the name of "true god". So Nebro created six angelsas well as Saklasto be assistants, and these produced twelve angels in the heavens, with each one receiving a portion in the heavens. If you sing that, with concentration, you bring to yourself a great deal of solar energy. Nowadays, the English that we use, of modern England, is the universal language. 2023 Glorian Publishing. The Gnostic text On the Origin of the World fancifully translates it as Youth, move over there, but no word or string of words that sounds like Yaldabaoth meant that in any ancient Mediterranean language. This place is thought of as the abode of Sophia (Wisdom) and Barbelo, also called Ogdoad. The long-lost Gospel of Judas, published earlier this month by the National Geographic Society, gives a180-degree different view of Judas Iscariot than is found in the New Testament. Barbelo in Gnosticism is the first emanation of God, often described as a mother-father figure. Everything emerges from the Omeyocan, everything returns to the Omeyocan.. The Judas gospel would make one huge difference if it was accepted. So, you see the relationship of Yesod with Daath, in the throat; Ing-Land. The point is this: if Krishna states that he came from the region of Barbelo, we will understand, because he is also part of that Abstract Solar Absolute. Indubitably, Barbelo is what in Kabbalah is called the Ain Soph Aur, which is the third aspect of the Absolute Abstract Space. We, physically, psychologically, are amphoras. Sirius is talked about in many texts of ancient Egypt; in the past, they knew about this. It is not the most common of the senses. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him. Any planet, in itself, is an amphora that receives and gives. There is where we find the region of Barbelo, in us. Harper San Francisco. The fact is that the first aspect of the Absolute is called Ain, which means "nothing." If you add together these three letters Iod + Iod + Vav you find the number 26. The Judas gospel puts legends most notorious traitor in a new lightas the man who enjoyed his masters most intimate confidence, and who was given the crucial task of helping him shed his fleshly mortality. Out of her the Holy Spirit appeared (who the Gnostics regarded as female), the mother of the living. 'donkey', then seen as the animal of Seth. A spark ignites from this light, resulting in yet another pale light. The second principle of Sethian Gnosticism, Barbelo is the First Thought of the Invisible Spirit - the universal intellect containing all potential archetypes and forms (and thus also described as androgynous), the highest level of pure determinate being. The Gnostics took all of these pieces and combined them. Habel is the Sun, in us. But, the nonsense music that you hear in this day and age comes from the space below, and unfortunately, everybody vibrates with that music, because we have a lot of that, a lot of ego within. You cannot sing it mechanically, because you will receive little benefit from it. Obviously, if we disintegrate the ego without developing intuition inside, we will have the common sense in relation with our instinct. How could any agent of this process, witting or unwitting, be acting other than according to the divine will? Abrahamic, Gnostic We have our own particular, individual Ain Soph, and, within that Ain Soph is hidden the Infinite as the Tetragrammaton, that has to manifest in the universe. Now, this Protocosmos emanated from another part of the Absolute. Of course, we understand that: Yeshuah, the savior, comes from Chokmah (wisdom), as does Seth. The sexual organs, the genitalia. False Angel The infinite is reversible towards the navel, that is in all quantifiable points. The Teuhtlampa is a sphere; that is what an infinite is. But, nowadays, ignoramuses think that the Egyptians were so ignorant, that they were worshiping the physical Sun. Master Samael states that in that Protocosmos exists what we call the planets of Christ. But, here in America, that solar light is symbolized with corn; the people of America didn't eat bread, but tortillas, made with corn. The Gospel reads . 2008. Marcion.hated heretic or influential maverick?Twitter: @andrewmarkhenryFacebook: www.religionforbreakfast.comAni. This is how we understand that. Jewish migration within the Hellenised Ptolemaic Kingdom to Greek-speaking Egyptian cities such as Alexandria led to the creation of the Septuagint, a translation of the Hebrew Bible into Koine Greek. HarperOne. Yaldabaoth, otherwise known as Jaldabaoth or Ialdabaoth[a] (/jldbe/; Coptic: ,[b] Latin: Ialdabaoth),[1] is a malevolent God and creator of the material world in various Gnostic sects and movements, sometimes represented as a theriomorphic, lion-headed serpent. If you observe a galaxy, it too is an amphora, or as the Master called, the inexhaustible bag of all possibilities. Mircea Eliade has compared these Borborite beliefs and practices involving Barbl to Tantric rituals and beliefs, noting that both systems have a common goal of attaining primordial spiritual unity through erotic bliss and the consumption of menses and semen.[3]. Therefore, the birth in () Belen or ( -) Bethlehem was in order to make the reality of a man who had incarnated ( Bel) the Christ-Sun understandable.. Here he is a lion-faced archon, half flame, half darkness. That is the faculty of inter-penetration." Remember that Christians are supposed to believe that everybody is responsible for the loneliness and torture of Calvary, and for the failure to appreciate the awful blood sacrifice until it was too late. And we answer; Belilin is Bel, Christ, the solar light, which is everywhere. Where is the Treasury of the Light, physically in us?
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